May 14, 2007

Sophia Rabliauskas

I am a firm believer in protecting the environment, which is why I find Sophia Rabliauskas so extraordinary. She is a member of the Ojibway indigenous people in Manitoba, Canada, and for the last eight years has been working to protect her people's two million acres of undisturbed forrest land. She led her community in the development of a plan to manage and protect the forrests that they love so dearly. This year (2007) she was the recipient of the Goldman Environmental Prize.

Sophia beautifull sums up her beliefs and thoughts on her responsiblilty in this quote:
"Creator gave us the responsibility to care for the land, the land that sustains our life. Our Elders have always believed that how we treat our land today will affect the health of the planet and the lives of many generations to come. It is critical now more than ever, that we fulfill that responsibility that was passed down to us from our ancestors.”

Click here to read more about Sophia and see video of her!
Click here to read a Q&A with Sophia!

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